Homeowner Association

The Providence Plantation Homeowners Association (PPHOA) was initially created and incorporated in July 1977 with a seven member voluntary Board representing approximately 300 families.

The stated purposes for the formation of the Association were to promote the quality life of the Providence Plantation community and to promote the general well being of its residents, but ostensibly it was formed in an attempt to prevent the neighborhood from being annexed from Matthews into the City of Charlotte.

Since then the PPHOA has evolved into a fifteen member voluntary Board representing over 1,440 families, with the stated purposes of maintaining the beauty and safety of the neighborhood and the continuation of making the neighborhood a desirable place to live.

Membership in the PPHOA is non-mandatory, but the $80 yearly dues paid by members are used to pay for things that benefit all homeowners, including electricity, annual and perennial plantings, mowing, irrigation and maintenance at our five entrances, quarterly newsletters, off-duty officers patrolling our neighborhood on weekend nights and a yearly directory of Providence Plantation homeowners. Included in the directory is a Service Section where dues paying members can advertise for free, services they or family members provide.

The Homeowners Association also maintains an email distribution list of over 1,300 families living in Providence Plantation. The list is used to pass on neighborhood information in a timely manner and is also used to reunite lost/found pets with their families.